Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Constructin Equipment Guide Zine

Constructin Equipment Guide Zine, originally uploaded by Rymann.

Well, I've finally compile my first zine. More of a zinelet really given its small size and weight. It's a 1/4 size booklet printed on 10 pages of dark brown (kraft) paper. It includes all my construction equipment drawings I've completed lately.


Kerstin Klein said...

wow. love the paper you used for it. it goes very well with the illustrations.

you mean, you are giving this away for free????

Ryan said...

Yep! In the US as long as supplies last.

kritty said...

can i sign up?

Kerstin Klein said...

would you send it to a friend of mine in the states who will then forward it to germany?

Unknown said...

ksklein: Plenty left, happy to send it out for you. Email your address to ryanzine [at] gmail (dot) com

mrana said...

Wow Ryan, this is cool, I wish I lived in the US!